Marist College (NY) KOR Circuit

Jul 27, 2015 | Kickoff Coverage, Special Teams

By Sam Nichols
Managing Editor
X&O Labs
Twitter: @SNicholsXOLabs


Editor’s Note: The following research was conducted in part of special report on “Special Teams Circuits” which can be found here.





One of the more productive, straight forward circuits that we have seen here at X&O Labs came from Tunde Agboke the defensive line coach at Marist College. According to Agboke, “It is critical the players on this unit know how to block in space. Thus, we spend a great deal of time doing individual blocking and dropping drills. We use this circuit at least once a week. Once we accomplish that goal, then we come together and run our schemes.

These drills have helped us tremendously. We have be able to quickly identify the guys who can and can’t do it without wasting weeks or months of practice time. We see KOR as the first play of every offensive series, and we are looking to go deep.”

Drill #1:  Drop on Air

This basic cone drill teaches players the fundamentals of their takeoff, angle, transition into the block phase and ability to create proper leverage.

Concept / Coaching Points:  “We use this drill to teach our players the proper drop angles and technique. We want to make sure they don’t round off corners once they put their foot in the ground to come back up field. They must also simulate striking a blow.”- Agboke