Cornell’s Chaotic Pre-Practice: 10 Drills in 6 Minutes

Aug 11, 2018 | Practice Organization, Offensive Line, Drills, Program Development, Position Groups

By Roy Istvan,
Offensive Coordinator/Offensive Line Coach,
Cornell University (NY)
Twitter: @coachistvan


istvanThe first 6 minutes of practice each day is dedicated to “Position Warm-Up”. It is a combination of ballistic stretch and technique work. This time is used to continuously develop skill sets that will be used in our everyday play selections as well as ready players for practice.

Warm-Up Details: This a simple, yet intricate progression. Here are the movements that are included:

Drill 1: Iso Drill

Purpose: Work flexibility in ankles, knees and hips.

Coaching Points: Keep ankles, knees and hips all in straight line.

Drill 2: Airplane Drill

Purpose: Teach players how to run off the ball.

Coaching Points: Head and shoulders over toes at the finish.

Drill 3: Duck Walk On Air

Purpose: Teach Duck Demeanor (insteps, posture, profile).