Anthony Vitale
Offensive Line Coach/Recruiting Coordinator
Southwest Baptist University (MO)
Twitter: @vitale_64
SBU utilizes a variety of protections within our passing system. One protection that the offense uses often is a 6 man, half slide, drop back protection. This concept, founded primarily in the principles of the 2/3 Jet protection concepts, is a basic scheme that allows for simple blocking rules (see Diagram 1). The protection relies heavily upon fundamentals, technique, and execution by both the Offensive Line and the Running Backs. Our staff feels that in order for the passing game to be successful while utilizing this protection, the Offensive Line must be physical and fundamentally sound in their execution. We are able to achieve this aggressive posture and technical execution through a heavy reliance upon a series of protection drills that cover not only the fundamentals of the position, but also the situations that Offensive Line must be aware of and prepared to handle.
Hips & Hands
We utilize a version of the Hips & Hands drill almost every day. We use this series of movements to emphasize both the movement of the hips as well as the pass protection strike and body position. The only movement we will get the hip all the way through is the first phase (6 PT start). In this phase, we are coaching the Offensive Line to explode through the bag and drive his belt buckle to the turf. While there is a slight hip roll that accompanies the pass protection strike in the second and third phase, the emphasis is more on a violent hand strike while keeping tight hands and elbows.
To study film of this drill click on the video below: