By Ben McKaig
Defensive Line Coach
Utica College
Twitter: @McKaig_Ben
The offseason is drill season. At Utica College, we place a heavy emphasis on using drills outside of the season to work on the little things that make winning defensive line play. In this drill report, I am going to share our stance and get off drill progression that we do daily.
Editor’s Note: Please review the brief drill outlines below and then scroll down for the full 20 minute video featuring these drills.
1 Step Launch
- DL in a stance across from crash mat
- On ball movement
- DL takes first step
- Push off first step and launch onto crash mat
- Land on belly
- Triple extend ankle, knees, and hips
- Explosive jump through the first step
- Work to generate power and explosive ability.
- Roll the hips
6 Point Punch Progression
- Speed punch placement
- DL are in a 6 point stance, toes of cleats tucked, shading their partner
- Partner standing in good bent stance with hands on hips and chest exposed
- On the whistle DL will punch shade with proper hand placement
- Shade hand on shade number, outside hand clamps shade arm
- Thumbs up elbows tight
- Rapid fire
- On each whistle, quick punch and reset
- Emphasis on accuracy and speed of the punch
- On each whistle, quick punch and reset
- Punch extension
- Punch and grab, hands above eyes
- Full hip extension, Full arm extension
- Coach resets the drill each time
- Emphasis on power and locking out hips and arms
- OL head will snap back
- Punch explosion - 2x each shade
- Punch the shade, pressing thru the toes with full hip extension
- Emphasize exploding thru toes
- DL will come off of the ground
- DL should land on their stomachs
- Punch the shade, pressing thru the toes with full hip extension
123 Step
- All players line up on the line facing coach
- Front foot should have toes touching the line
- On ball movement, players take 1st step
- Step should land close to the line players are lined up on
- Reset – two steps
- Quick feet, tight hands, thumbs up
- Avoid the hop – 2 quick steps
- Flat back, good knee bend, hands above eyes
- Quick feet, tight hands, thumbs up
- Reset – Full get off
- Quick feet, roll hips, finish through
- Can be performed with an OL
- Incorporate punch, extend, rip and finish
Crash Mat Base Blocks