Run/Pass Option: Game Week Installation Progression

Dec 13, 2014 | Offense, RPO's


By Henry Stanford

Offensive Coordinator

Hiram College (OH)


hcgamwWhen it comes to the Run/Pass Option Series (RPOS), you want to spend time preparing your quarterback to become efficient with their reads. This can be accomplished in the classroom, film room and on the practice field. You want to show them a preview of game day early in the week. This article will discuss the process of training your quarterback for game day. The example will follow training days from Monday to Saturday.


On Sunday, you have your opponent’s breakdown from the season and their last game. While viewing the film, take a look at the teams the opponent faced and look for any similar plays that were ran. Since we are looking for reaction of players to play types, look for schemes where the defender has to react.  Based on your breakdown, you will run more than one type of RPOS and select the type of play for your given opponent. We will begin to collect these looks on film to evaluate.

Also while viewing the film, look for any tendencies; such as checking to see if the opponent’s defensive lines are square shoulder vs. turned shoulder, fast shuffle vs. slow shuffle, moving vs. stationary type reaction. Continue to check whether the linebackers are aggressive vs. passive, sliders vs. runners, moving vs. stationary type reaction defenders. Are their secondary aggressive vs passive, eyes in the backfield vs. receiver conscious defenders? After viewing the film, you will be able to determine if they are executing what was taught or, are they just playing without rules.