By Mike Kuchar
Senior Research Manager
X&O Labs
Twitter: @MikekKuchar
The following research was conducted in part of X&O Labs’ special report on “LB Play in the 4-2-5 Defense.” Continue reading for more information on this special report.
Linebacker Post-Snap Protocol:
Coach Lopez talks to his linebackers more about fit concepts, rather than fitting gaps in his system. Each fit concept is tied to a specific technique. He did make it a point to decipher whether or not that linebacker is playing with a shade or a 3-technique in front of him. "If you're playing with a shade Nose in front of you you have to be more aware of the probablity of cutback as opposed to having the 3-technique. So we tell that backer if the B gap is exposed, he needs to slow down. If the B gap is not exposed, he can go faster." Coach Lopez uses the following terminology in fitting the one back run game:
Scrape: Used against outside (fast) flow when the play side linebacker has a 3-technique in front of him. “We try to play over the top and get fast to the ball,” said Coach Lopez. “Help is inside you whether it’s the Will or the Safety. It’s used in Outside Zone schemes (Diagram 61).